Homework and Remote Learning

Online homework will usually be set on Google Classroom or use only resources like the websites listed below.

To access Google Classroom, children should log in using RM Unify. The RM unify website is www.rmunify.com/

The other websites we use are:

Your child should know all of their usernames and passwords for each resource they use. Also you can access all these resources through RM Unify. RM Unify will also remember and auto login the student to the relevant resource.

If for some reason your child cannot log into their given resource then please take a look at the FAQ below and if that still does not help then call the school and we can provide or reset the child's Usernames/Passwords and help.

Virtual Learning Video for our Parents

How to hand in work in Google Classroom

Google Classroom on Mobile and Tablet

Google Classroom FAQ
